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Showing posts from March, 2020

The need for Vegan Diet

Don't you think our body is one of our greatest asset, however, it is the most neglected one knowingly or unknowingly. I personally feel we often treat our cars better than we treat our body. I invite you all to become vital & vegan again and enjoy the rewards of life. Over so many years and generations, humans have been eating meat, considering that it gives us energy; this energy mostly comes from the adrenaline hormone, the hormone produced during fright, flight or fight. If you visit any butcher you will see and sense the fear that these poor creatures experience just before they are killed, the adrenaline hormone produced just before they are slaughtered gives the protein eaters a heightened sense of energy. Hence, after years of eating meat full of adrenaline, the adrenaline gland gets weakened and is unable to produce its own neuro transmitters that produces adrenaline. This weakness is passed on generation after generation resulting in various diseases related to Blo...


Do you know that Wuhan outbreak is the 6th outbreak caused by viruses harbouring in wildlife in the last 26 years, the first five being H1 N1, Swine Flu, SARS, MERS, SADS & now COVID19. We as a community need to question ourselves that why have the frequency of outbreaks increased??? If it continues the same way in future what shall be the impact on economy??? Do we have enough means for survival if locked down for months the way it is done in Wuhan??? My son who was supposed to go to France for his internship is stuck up due to visa closures. I am sure it must have impacted various others in different ways, it is also expected that many offices would permanently close down. Media seems to be highlighting the sufferings rather than discussing its eradication from root. The increasing intensity and frequency of such respiratory diseases clearly shows that somewhere we are going wrong. The research shows that it has originated from Wuhan where the virus got transferred to humans...