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Showing posts from 2017

Nature Remedy for Joint Pains / Knee Pains

Do you know, with age our joints wear out due to body weight, bad posture and drying of lubricants between the joints resulting in joint pains? Pain killers and other allopathic medicine can only provide relief temporarily  But we can rely on natural remedies that are long lasting with no side effects. I’m sharing with you a popular natural remedy, which if taken regularly will surely cure the joint pains. −         3 tablespoons of raisins −         40 gm of pumpkin seeds −         2 tablespoons of gelatin −         4 tablespoons of sesame seeds −         200 gms of honey −         8 tablespoons of flaxseed Blend all the ingredients and take before breakfast and lunch and with passage of time your tendons and ligaments will grow stronger.

Natural Remedies

Your food shall be your medicine. – Hippocrates I had lot of diseases like bronchitis and nose bleeding from an early age. But modern allopathic treatment failed to provide any relief and I underwent a great deal of physical suffering for a number of years. After lot of exploration, and trying various medications that led to worsening the condition, I thought of trying the alternative and natural cure available. I got substantial relief by taking recourse to alternative medicine especially nature cure in which diet plan plays a major role. This convinced me that carefully planned diet can help in rooting out lot of diseases and restoring health and youthfulness. This conviction, based on personal experiences led me to do specialization in Dietitics and Public Health nutrition from Delhi University after achieving Gold medal in B.Sc. Foods & Nutrition. I shall be sharing nature cure recipes and diet therapies for common ailments in my blogs.